UAE Tax Residency

UAE Tax Residency

Mirsatori: Your Key
to Global Opportunities

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Tax residency in the UAE is an opportunity to increase profits by reducing the cost of paying taxes in the country of citizenship. The United Arab Emirates and 138 countries have concluded a double taxation treaty. Mirsatori specialists help their clients to obtain a UAE residency status without the need for direct participation in the procedure.

Advantages of UAE tax residency:

  • an opportunity to permanently reside in the country;
  • the right to work, including part-time employment;
  • reduced taxes;
  • the right to conduct business;
  • the possibility of bringing the business to the international market;
  • obtaining tax benefits.

What kind of assistance Mirsatori
specialists provide:

Document work
Specialists help to prepare the dossier for the resident visa and the Emirates ID card.
Personalized strategy
The plan of tax residency in the UAE is prepared individually by the company's specialist taking into account the client's goals and wishes.
Ensuring confidentiality
The company's specialists guarantee each client the protection of his personal data.
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The steps of the procedure:

Preparation and formation of a dossier accompanied by a specialist.
Legal submission of the application for tax residency.
Obtaining a tax residency certificate and having the document certified by the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Mirsatori provides the
following services:

  • Opening and maintenance of bank accounts
  • Turnkey support of financial services
  • Bookkeeping

Take a chance to improve your situation and ensure sustainable growth of your business or personal assets. Contact our experts for professional financial advice and start working towards your financial goals today.

Contact us and let us find the best sulution for your business!

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