Holding Company

Holding Company

Mirsatori: Your Key to
Global Opportunities

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Establishing a holding company in the United Arab Emirates is a powerful tool for business management and process optimization. The developed business environment of the UAE creates the necessary conditions for the realization of corporate objectives and strengthening the company’s position in the market. The purpose of establishing and launching a holding company is to increase the efficiency of the company, protect personal data and interests of beneficiaries, optimize taxation, and facilitate access to international financial resources.

Advantages of registering a
holding company:

  • protection of personal data of the ultimate owners of the business;
  • creation of transparent financial reporting due to consolidation of assets;
  • optimization of tax burden;
  • simplification of the process and business management system as a whole;
  • organization of financial flows within the group, including mergers and acquisitions of foreign assets;
  • expansion of business presence through the creation of a consortium.

Mirsatori specialists assist you in:

Strategy development
Mirsatori specialists will develop a business management strategy to optimize costs and efficient use of resources.
Adaptation assistance
With an understanding of the UAE's domestic market and legislation, specialists help to adapt the company in the country and get new tools for its development.
Ensuring confidentiality
Mirsatori specialists guarantee a high level of security of personal data of the company's ultimate owners to protect corporate interests.
Tax optimization
Specialists will offer solutions that will help to minimize the tax burden, which will lead to increased profits and financial stability on the international market.
Comprehensive support
Mirsatori specialists provide full legal support at all stages: from registration to further running of the holding company.
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Steps of the procedure:

Company Registration.
Issuance of the Emirates ID.
Opening a current account in one of the UAE banks.

Mirsatori provides the
following services:

  • Opening and maintenance of bank accounts
  • Turnkey financial services
  • Bookkeeping

Take a chance to ensure the sustainable growth of your business or personal assets. Contact our experts for professional advice and start working towards your financial goals today.

Свяжитесь с нами и мы подберем лучшее решение для вашего бизнеса!

Other services

Family Foundation
Family Foundation

Protection of assets of all family members and simplified procedure of financial inheritance.

UAE Tax Residency
UAE Tax Residency

Reduce costs by being exempt from tax obligations in your country of citizenship.