Family Foundation

Family Foundation

Mirsatori: Your Key
to Global Opportunities

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A Family Foundation in the UAE is to manage and protect family and business assets. The legal structure also simplifies the process of transferring inheritance to children according to predetermined conditions and rules. The Family Foundation helps to preserve and grow your finances, thereby ensuring a prosperous future.

Benefits of Family Foundation:

  • distribution of ownership of the foundation’s assets;
  • protection of finances from forced inheritance;
  • protection of beneficiaries’ names and other personal data;
  • effective planning of assets transfer and simplified procedure of their inheritance;
  • opportunity to participate in charitable activities.

What kind of assistance Mirsatori
specialists provide:

Drafting the statutes
When drafting the rules of the family foundation, the wishes and objectives of the client are taken into account, which can be adjusted in the future.
Protection of personal data
The company's specialists act in accordance with UAE legislation, so the names of beneficiaries remain confidential.
Support at all stages
Mirsatori specialists help the client to structure the Family Foundation in accordance with the UAE legislation and taking into account personal preferences.
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Steps of the procedure:

Consultation by a Mirsatori specialist.
Preparing a package of documents together with the company's lawyer.
Registration of the Family Foundation.

Our company provides the
following services:

  • Opening and maintenance of bank accounts
  • Turnkey support of financial services
  • Bookkeeping

Take a chance to improve your situation and ensure sustainable growth of your business or personal assets. Contact our experts for professional financial advice and start working towards your financial goals today.

Contact us and let us find the best sulution for your business!

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