Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy (hereinafter – the “Policy”) contains information about the work of the international law firm (hereinafter – the “Company”) with the personal data of the User, which were obtained during the use of the website (hereinafter – the “Site”). The definition of the Company’s work with the User’s personal information includes collection, use, disclosure, provision to third parties, and storage of the User’s personal data on the Site.

This Policy provides an unambiguous definition of the conditions, cases, and options for receipt and processing of the User’s personal data by the Company.

Periodically the Company updates the Policy, therefore our team strongly recommends that visitors to the Site review the text of this Policy from time to time.

In case you do not agree with the current provisions of the Privacy Policy, we recommend that you use the Site for information purposes only. If you agree with the provisions of this Policy, our team welcomes you to the Site and is confident that our online service will be useful and will help you to choose the required service and/or become a partner of the Company.

I. General provisions

Mirsatori International Law Firm controls and processes the personal data of the Website User in accordance with the provisions and laws that directly relate to the protection and storage of personal data, in particular the provisions of the Federal Law-Decree (UAE) on the Protection of Personal Data No. 45 and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of that information of April 27, 2016.

This Policy contains detailed information about the Company’s algorithm for handling your personal data. The definition of personal information includes all your personal data that accurately identifies your identity, information about your work activity, namely data about your use of the Website in situations where such information is directly related to the data with which your identity can be identified.

After reviewing the applicable provisions of this Privacy Policy, you agree with it and fully accept it and consent to the collection, storage, and use of your personal data in accordance with the current terms of the Policy and relevant laws.

II. Terms and Conditions

The Company uses your personal information only lawfully to inform individuals and to enter into and honor agreements in accordance with the following conditions:

  • Rational and good faith approach to the processing of personal data;
  • Transparency and legality;
  • Limited to the performance of certain tasks, which are stipulated by the current regulations and agreements concluded with the Users of the Website;
  • Use of the minimum authorized amounts of personal data that are necessary to achieve the goals set by the provisions of this Policy and the contracts concluded with the Users;
  • Protection and restriction of storage.

This Policy is a binding part of the User’s agreement, which consists of the Site Terms of Use and other terms and policies of the Company (the “Terms”).


III. Explanation of Definitions

For the terms and purposes of this Privacy Policy, we provide an explanation of the definitions used hereinafter:

  • “Site” – a web service on the World Wide Web, hosted at, which is an optimized online platform for digital implementation for the provision of legal and ancillary services in the migration field.
  • “Company”, “Controller”, “Mirsatori”, “web service”, “online platform”, “online resource”, “our/our/us”, “our/us” – Mirsatori, LLC, which is registered, under the laws of the UAE, at its registered office at Business Center 1, M Floor, The Meydan Hotel, Nad Al Sheba, Dubai, U.A.E.
  • “User”, “You, Your, Yours” – a legal, physical, or other person who is fully capable, in accordance with the laws of the state of his citizenship, and uses the Site as a Customer or Partner.
  • “Client” – a person who uses the Site to obtain certain migration, legal, and other additional services of the Company. The Client has legitimate access to the Site and its functionality via the World Wide Web.
  • “Site Administration” – authorized employees of the Company who have access to regulate the Site and act on behalf of the Company.
  • “Service” – the electronic processing of the Customer’s request for an employee of the Company, which is provided by the Site in relation to the Company’s services on the Site.

IV. Collection and processing of personal information

The Company may collect a certain list of personal data automatically through the use of appropriate tracking algorithms (cookies), in accordance with this Privacy Policy. Such personal data includes your IP address, browser and operating system type and version, basic language setting data, the exact date and time of use of the Site, the URL from which you accessed the Site, the online pages visited and searched. In addition, our team has the ability to obtain data about the length of time you visited and interacted with certain pages on the Site.

If you use a mobile device, our team will also receive data about the device and information about its basic settings and parameters, problems in the functioning of the application, and other program activities. At the moment you submit an application through the Site using such a device, the Site’s system will record the time you performed this action and/or from which platforms you accessed the Site or mobile application.

In addition to the information you share with the Company on your own, our team may receive data about you from other public sources, such as business partners, affiliate partners, subsidiaries within Mirsatori, and other affiliates of the Site, and other independent third parties. All data that the Company receives from them, our team is authorized to combine with information that you have provided on your own.

The table below summarizes the likely ways in which the Company collects the Customer’s personal information and a list of the purposes for which the Company does so:

Personal Data Collected for
Name and Surname
  • For the purpose of using the Site to obtain services
    and to identify you as a Customer of the Site;
  • to identify your identity and actions during the use
    of the Site, in particular writing reviews or correspondence;
  • to communicate directly with the administration of the Site
Email and phone number
  • During your use of the Site to obtain Company services
    and to identify you as a Customer;
  • to provide you with necessary information about changes
    on the Site;
  • for the purpose of providing general information support to
    Users (communication by phone and/or e-mail, push messages
    when using the mobile application of the Site);
  • for direct communication with the Site administration


The Company also has the right to use your personal data for the following purposes: 

  • to learn and understand the Company’s audience in order to improve the service delivery process;  
  • to prevent, recognize and investigate suspected prohibited or illegal activities, including fraud;  
  • to verify violations of this Privacy Policy and/or other terms and/or conditions and/or to ensure that they are being enforced, and to protect the Company’s rights and interests;   
  • to send you promotional web emails describing Company services that may be suitable for you – you have the option to opt out of receiving these emails by sending our team a request or clicking on a specific link in the email. 

Working interaction between the Company and the Client is based on the Client’s apparent consent to the processing of personal data in the form of signing an electronic declaration as a prerequisite for the Client’s use of the Website. 

VI. Use of social media

The Company utilizes social media in a variety of ways. Our team uses these platforms to develop and promote the Site, popularize and improve the Company’s services.  

It is important to understand that the use of social networks may involve sharing your personal data with the Company and the operator of a particular social network in the manner described below. You have the right not to use social networks and their services.  

VII. Disclosure of information

The Company does not share the list of certain Customer data with other businesses, legal entities, organizations and private individuals who have no connection to the Site, except in the following circumstances.  

Company may share your personal information with specified third parties not affiliated with the Site solely if our Company believes in good faith and rationally believes that disclosure of your personal information is actually necessary to:  

  • complying with any applicable law, regulation or procedure of a judicial proceeding or governmental request that is legally enforceable;  
  • enforcing applicable law, specifically to investigate possible wrongdoing;  
  • detecting, preventing or otherwise resolving problems that involve security, fraud or technical issues;  
  • protecting the property rights or safety of the Company, Customers or the public from harm under applicable law;  
  • facilitating the use of third party services.  

When the Company is involved in a merger, acquisition or asset sale, our team will also ensure that all Customer personal data is protected and will continue to notify Site Users of potential transfers of information even before personal data is transferred or becomes part of/is subject to another privacy policy.  

Unless something else is spelled out in the current version of the Site’s Privacy Policy, the Company will not share your personal information, including your first and last name, e-mail address or any other data that may help identify you, with other Site Users. 

VIII. Third-party services  

The Site may contain hyperlinks to third party web resources, mobile applications or other online services, in particular social networks. If you follow a specific link to one of them, we advise you to pay attention to the privacy policy of the resource in question. The company is not responsible for the provisions of their policies, for the collection, processing, use and transfer of your personal data by third parties, in accordance with their privacy policies. We recommend that you carefully review their privacy policies before providing your personal information to third party sites.  

If the Company uses third-party vendors to provide a list of certain services on behalf of the Company, namely Website or mobile application hosting, analytics or similar services, these third-party vendors may collect or access information about you (for example, by automatically collecting information through the use of specialized tracking technologies). Please note that Company and/or its service providers may retain this information to provide Company services to you and may share it with third parties as necessary.  

 IX. Storage, protection, security and cross-border transfer of personal information

The Company undertakes to the Client to rationally apply all necessary measures to protect your personal data from unauthorized access, modification, transfer and misuse or destruction. The Site is equipped with all necessary security technologies to protect your personal information.  

The company applies specific working protocols to maintain the confidentiality of personal data received from you. Our team also utilizes security systems and imposes technical and physical restrictions to collect, process and access personal information on the Company’s servers.  

Only Company employees and persons who have been authorized by the Company Administration and are involved in the operation of the Site have direct access to your personal data. These persons must strictly observe all confidentiality rules and prevent unauthorized access of third parties to your personal data.  

Please note that the servers of the Site may be located abroad in your country. By sending your personal information to the Company, you automatically authorize the transfer of your personal information outside your country for the purpose of using this data in accordance with the current legislation.  

Important to understand! None of the existing methods of data transfer can be completely secure. The company does not provide guarantees of full data security in case of illegal access by third parties.  

Our team is not responsible for unlawful actions of hackers, third parties, fraudsters and other potential violators of the current legislation, who may carry out illegal access, despite the terms of this Privacy Policy, and try to obtain all or part of your personal data and use them for their own personal purposes.  

As a rule, the period of processing and storage of personal information lasts up to 3 years from the date of your last action or deletion of your Personal Account. This is usually required to comply with applicable tax laws, to resolve various disputes and to guarantee compliance with the Company’s legal agreements or other legal obligations.  

The Company will store your personal data in accordance with applicable personal data protection laws to the extent necessary for the purposes of data processing, which are set out in this Privacy Policy (see Section “Collection and Processing of Personal Information”). Further, after the completion of the 3-year period, the Company will destroy your personal data, in accordance with the Company’s terms and conditions for the storage and destruction of personal data, or take actions to appropriately ensure the confidentiality of the information. Exceptions are situations where the Company is required by law to retain your personal information for much longer (e.g., to comply with tax and legal, accounting or auditing regulations).  

In European countries, personal data should generally be stored for 6 to 10 years (e.g. for the purpose of information, contracts and business letters). The Company will limit the time for processing your data instead of destroying it, e.g. by restricting access to it, in accordance with the terms of applicable law. This provision applies to situations where the Company may need the data to fulfill contractual terms, to file or defend against legal claims, or where retention of the information is required or permitted by law. In these situations, the duration of the restriction on the processing of personal data is directly related to the relevant limitation or retention period. The data will be destroyed after the end of the relevant limitation or retention period

X. Personal information of children

The Company does not collect, use, transfer or disclose personal information of persons under the age of majority in accordance with the terms of applicable law. To obtain full access to the use of the Site you must be an adult, fully capable person, according to the laws of the country of your citizenship.  

XI. Use of automated decision-making and profiling technologies

Please be informed that the Company is authorized to use automated decision-making technologies, in particular profiling. These algorithms help the Company to improve communication with Users of the Site. For example, such automated decision-making technologies may profile you based on your browser browsing history or the advertisements you have viewed on the Site by clicking on that promotional video. The operation of the mechanisms helps the Company tailor advertising to your interests.  



XII. Changes in the Privacy Policy  

The Company reserves the right to change the text of this Privacy Policy at any time without prior notice to the Users of the Site.  

The Company has the exclusive right to amend the current version of the Privacy Policy at any time and at its discretion by posting the updated version of the Policy on the Site domain If the User has further access to the Site and continues to use the Company’s services after the publication of these changes, the User automatically agrees and accepts the provisions of the updated Privacy Policy. If necessary, the Company may request the User to confirm their acceptance of the new terms in a separate email. Please be sure to review this Policy occasionally for any changes or updates.  

XIII. Your Rights  

You have the options that the Company provides to enable you to self-monitor the use of your personal data by the Company’s employees. You may do so by:  

  • submitting a request for a list of your personal information that is on the Site’s database and all data about the Company’s use of it;  
  • notifying our team of any changes to your personal information or requesting the correction of certain information that is stored on the Site’s server;  
  • requesting the deletion, blocking or restriction of your personal information or refusing certain uses of your personal data;  
  • objecting to the automated processing of your personal information;  
  • notifying the Company of your authorization to share your personal information with third parties;  
  • revoking, if necessary, at any time, your authorization to process personal information that you have given to the Company’s employees for the purpose of using your information, in accordance with applicable law;  
  • prohibiting the Company from using your personal information if it processes it lawfully, in accordance with applicable law.  

Our team relies on you to ensure that your personal information is complete, accurate and correct. Please notify the Company immediately of any changes or inaccuracies in your personal information.  

To delete, correct, amend or access personal information, please use the option to send a request to the Company’s support team.  

Users from the European Union have rights under Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal information and the free movement of such data and on the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (hereinafter referred to as the General Data Protection Regulation).  

XIV. Protection of personal data

In accordance with Articles 37, 38, 39 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of the European Union of April 27, 2016, as well as the Federal Decree Law (UAE) on Personal Data Protection No. 45, the Company employs a Personal Data Protection Officer who is responsible for notifying the Company team of important personal data protection requirements, conducting audits to ensure compliance and proactively addressing potential issues. This officer also keeps the Company’s management informed of the Company’s interactions with Customers and Website Users to notify our team about how your personal information is being used, your rights to have your personal information deleted, and what steps the Company has taken to protect your personal information, etc.  

If you have any questions about the terms of this Privacy Policy or the protection of personal information, please contact the Company’s authorized data protection officer immediately.  

XV. Contact Information

If you need to contact the Company in order to leave your opinion about the Company’s privacy measures or to get an answer to any question about your personal information (about its correction, destruction or use), you can send an e-mail to: 

XVI. Conditions of use of data for individual countries

The Company is obliged to provide you with additional information, depending on the legislation in force in the country of your citizenship or residence.   

The Company processes the User’s personal information from the moment of creation of the Personal Account until its destruction by any lawful means, in particular personal data in information programs with the use of automation mechanisms or without the use of such technologies.  

The period of processing and storage of personal information is 2 (two) years from the date of your last action on the Site or deletion of your Personal Account. This period is most often required to comply with current tax legislation, resolve disputes and ensure compliance with the Company’s agreements or other legal obligations.  

Further, the Company will destroy your personal data, in accordance with the terms of the corporate policy of preservation and destruction of personal information.